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reflective introduction

"Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead." -Yvonne Woon

I like to think that I always believe the quotes that appear on my home page and throughout my wesbite. Certain times, it is easier to believe them than others. I’ve undergone many changes this semester, as a writer, student, and individual that sometimes make me question these quotes that I try so hard to believe in. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone in many different aspects of my life, without really a say. My interests have changed, my relationships have changed, and in return, I am not the same person that I used to be. Whether this is good or bad, I am still trying to figure out. This class has mirrored my recent life experiences that have pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to try new things. Only in this class, it was my decision to push myself further. This is why it is fitting for me that I chose to push myself way out of my comfort zone for my fully-realized project.


The experiment that I decided to make my fully-realized project happened to be my first experiment. I wrote a dystopian short story from the perspective of a college student about what happens to the word in the future if federal election day is never made a federal holiday. The democratic system has fallen and the rich elite rule the county. This experiment was the most difficult for me to write. This was the first time I have ever written a creative short story. Since I am not an expert short story writer, I decided that what was meant to be a short story, didn’t really feel like one. Therefore, when I was working on it for my final project, I realized that it is more of an open letter from college students of the future to current college students. This is an open letter from a fictional perspective, which is pretty unique for the genre of an open letter. I sort of combined a few genres together to create this fully-realized project.


While it brought me the farthest away from my comfort zone, I also enjoyed writing it the most out of all of my experiments. I struggled greatly with it, but I decided I wanted to continue to push myself and choose this experiment as my fully-realized project. Looking back, maybe I should have chosen a different experiment to follow through on. I think if I had chosen a different one, my final project would have been stronger. However, I am proud that I am trying something new. I am so used to academic writing and I think I am pretty good at it. Creative writing can be intimidating because everything about it feels more vulnerable. Every aspect is left for the writer to decide, which is an exciting yet daunting task. But just as I said earlier, this new found vulnerability and daunting look at the future is something I am adjusting to in my personal life as well.

I write because it allows me to express myself in a way that nothing else can. The feeling of creating that perfect sentence that could move mountains with its power is unmatchable. This rush drives me to keep developing my skills as a writer. As an aspiring lawyer, writing will consume my profession. The words I hope to one day write will have the power to change people's lives. This thought inspires me every day.

Writing is about pushing yourself further. You must keep trying and you must always move forward. Things will not be perfect at first, but this doesn’t mean that you will never get there. I learned this in my writing class this past semester, however, I am still learning this in my personal life. I am still figuring out what it means to be a writer. I am also still figuring out what it means to be me. I hope this eportfolio helps shed a little light onto who I am for my readers, but also for myself as well.

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