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A central reason why female role models are important for younger women is because they lead to female empowerment. Female empowerment then leads strong females to excel in the workplace and in life.


I decided to interview some of my female role models, both for personal and professional reasons, to learn about who they look up to and how their role models influenced the choices they have made. Learning more about my female role models will give me insight into some of the constant characteristics of a female role model.


I also decided to include a few of my famous female role models. Famous female role models are important to society because when young females do not have someone close to them they see as a role model, they can look to the media and find other role models. 


I also wanted to look at movie characters who are controversial female role models. The examples I discuss shed light on the difficulty that comes with being a strong female role model in today's society. Not everyone is accepting of strong and powerful females. This is why females must always continue to inspire each other.

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